USA lahkuva presidendi Joe Bideni pärandus Trumpile on keskpanga rekordiline miinus 218 miljardit dollarit ja see üha kasvab.
Märgitakse, et sellist asja pole olnud kunagi varem ajaloos. See on asi, millega Trump peab tegelema hakkama.
Ühtlasi ei saa keskpank Trumpi valitsust ühegi sendiga toetada.
Trump is inheriting a Federal Reserve w/ not only unprecedented losses of $218 billion, but it’s still losing money; the Fed won’t send the Treasury a dime for the entirety of Trump’s term; that’s never happened since the inception of the Fed – another challenge for Trump…
— E.J. Antoni, Ph.D. (@RealEJAntoni) January 19, 2025