Vene sõjaväe radioloogilise, keemilise ja bioloogilise kaitse vägede juht kindralleitnant Igor Kirillov ja tema abi, major Ilja Polikarpov hukkusid mõlemad kortermajast lahkudes Moskvas toimunud plahvatuses. Lõhkekeha võis olla pandud sissepääsu lähedale pargitud elektritõukeratta käepideme sisse.
.Väidetavalt oli Kirillov andnud korralduse kasutada Ukrainas keemiarelva. Pommiplahvatuse korraldasid teadaolevalt Ukraina võimud.
Siin on video asja kohta:
💥🔥 Video of the explosion that killed Russian Lieutenant General Kirillov
— MAKS 24 🇺🇦👀 (@Maks_NAFO_FELLA) December 17, 2024
❗️ Unique video of the moment Lieutenant General Kirillov was blown up in Moscow.
The footage shows General Kirillov and his assistant exiting the building, with the famous scooter standing nearby. As soon as they find themselves in the area of the explosive device, the…
— ★V141NG★🏴☠️ 𝕏 (@inexorable_swe) December 17, 2024
The head of the Russian military’s RKhBZ troops Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov and his assistant were both killed in an explosion in Moscow as they left an apartment building. The explosive may have been planted on a scooter parked near the entrance.…
— Rob Lee (@RALee85) December 17, 2024