Sotsiaalmeediasse on pandud video Vene vägede poolt raketiheitjaga purustatud ja hiljem üle võetud Rootsi päritolu lahingumasinast CV-90 Ukraina rindel.
Lahingumasina komandör sai surma ja meeskond põgenes.
Juhtum oli Ukraina idaosas Luhanski oblastis Svatove ligidal.
Allpool on video ka sellest, kuidas Rootsi lahingumasin CV-90 saab tabamuse granaadiheitjast ning sõidab teelt välja põllule.
The first captured Swedish 🇸🇪 infantry fighting vehicle CV-90 in the special operation zone. The armored vehicle was hit by a ZVO fighter during the battle from a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher, its commander was killed, and the survivors from the Ukrainian crew fled.…
— Black Diamond (@blackdiammon) July 30, 2023
High-quality footage of the defeat of the 3rd Swedish CV-90 by a grenade launcher of the 20th Army.
— Rémi Philiponet 🇨🇵 (@RPhiliponet) July 27, 2023