Hiina Hubei provintsi võimud andsid Wuhani linnale korralduse valmistada 20. veebruariks ette 100 000 uut haiglavoodit, neist 14 000 raskete juhtumite tarbeks.
See tähendab, et valmistutakse viirusepuhangu plahvatuslikuks suurenemiseks ja olukorra paranemisest on veel vara rääkida.
Allolevast videost on näha, kuidas Wuhanis muudeti suur konverentsikeskus 24 tunniga 1000 voodikohaga haiglaks.
Hubei province ordered Wuhan to prepare 100,000 beds by 2/20, among which 14,000 are for critical cases. If the situation is really improving, why are they in such a hurry? #WuhanCoronavirus #corornavirus #CoronaVirusFacts #Coronavirustruth #Coronaviruscoverup #coronaviruschina pic.twitter.com/W3O3O4Xn3D
— Rienzi Taipei (@Rienzi283) February 12, 2020
China’s Wuhan turns a convention center into a 1,000-bed makeshift hospital in just 24 hours to fight the novel #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/BABAT4fawa
— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) February 9, 2020