Portugali pealinnas Lissabonis puhkesid rahutused, kuna politsei tulistas surnuks ühe Aafrika migrandi ning migrandid alustasid mässu võimude vastu.
Välismeedia kirjeldab Lissaboni juba kui sõjatsooni, mistõttu kannatab turism kogu riigis.
Läinud ööl vastu tänast laupäeva, 26. oktoobrit süüdati 13 autot ja 5 mootorratast. Hävis kolm maja. Lisaks süüdati prügikaste ja blokeeriti tänavaid.
Rahutused registreeriti Barreiros, Cascaisis, Lissabonis, Loures’is and Vila Franca de Xiras, vahendab Portugal Resident.
Siin on video Lissabonis toimuva kohta:
Africans destroy Lisbon.
This is after a violent African invader attacked a police officer and was subsequently shot.
Always the same script, be violent act the victim.
Insane. pic.twitter.com/ahjGbQ8Rjh— Ashlea Simon (@AshleaSimonBF) October 25, 2024
🇵🇹 African migrants in Lisbon, Portugal, are rioting after a local African criminal was shot dead by Portuguese cops after he attacked them first with a bladed weapon.
The riots began in Zambujal, the African ghetto of Lisbon and were mostly contained in that part of the city. pic.twitter.com/CTF9mGt3Wz
— Mohammad Javid (@PhyuLay60937915) October 23, 2024
Fake African asylum seekers have been rioting for 48 hours in Lisbon, Portugal, after a policeman fatally shot a fake asylum seeker in self-defense. Soon also in your city. pic.twitter.com/LusijpVY0h
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) October 24, 2024