Hiina alustas täna esmaspäeval, 14. oktoobril Taiwani ümberpiiramise õppuseid. Õppuste kava kohaselt harjutatakse Taiwani saarel asuvate laevavastaste raketiseadeldiste rivist välja löömist.
Siin on video asja kohta:
❗️🇨🇳⚔️🇹🇼 – China began new military exercises on Monday, October 14, 2024, in the vicinity of Taiwan as part of the “Joint Sword-2024B” operation.
The maneuvers cover the Taiwan Strait and areas to the north, south and east of the island, and are described as a “stern warning”… pic.twitter.com/UptbqIdHoq
— 🔥🗞The Informant (@theinformant_x) October 14, 2024