Saksamaal Hamburgis oli eilse reede, 6. mai õhtul tulevahetus kahe migrantide grupi vahel. Paljud inimesed said haavata nii tulistamise kui pussitamise tagajärjel, mõned said surma.
Kokku osales konfliktis 80-100 inimest. Pole teada, kes need migrandid olid.
🇩🇪 Germany, Hamburg shootout between two groups of migrants.
Several people received gunshot wounds and wounds from knives. There are several deaths. It is said that between 80 and 100 people participated.
It is not yet known who these migrants are
— BBlues60 (@BBlues60) May 6, 2022
(Külastatud 722 korda, 1 külastust täna)