Saksamaal on poed koroonaviiruse hirmus toidust tühjaks ostetud. Riiulitele on alles jäänud ainult tooted, milles sisaldub sõna „hiina”..
Sotsiaalmeediasse pandud pildil on näha hiinapärase juurviljasegu konservid, mis on uhkes üksinduses poeletile alles jäänud.
Germany is just awesome. Most supermarkets are empty cause people stash food for the coming #coronavirus epidemic.
Food which has “Chinese” in it, isn’t bought at all.
Tbh I wouldn’t mind if all those stupid people got infected because they are a bigger threat alive than Corona.— Amon (@AstralyCat) February 29, 2020
People in Germany think the world is ending cause of corona virus
— Jacky🌻 (@_finelinejacky) February 28, 2020