Soomes lasti maha kuulus valge põder

Soomes lasti maha kuulus valge põder, kelle kohta oli tehtud sotsiaalmeediasse palju sissekandeid.

„Valge kuningas on surnud,” olid Soome jahimehe Leo Grönlundi esimesed sõnad Instagrami üles pandud postituses. Kuninga nime all on silmas peetud valget värvi põdrapulli, kes liikus ringi Pirkanmaa metsades. Loom oli tuntud kui Parkano valge põder.

Grönlundi postituse kohaselt lasti loom maha 27. oktoobril. Valge põder elas ligi 6 aastat. Valget värvi põder pole normaalne ja seetõttu neid Soomes kütitakse. Jahimeeste väitel pole neil head geenid. Ka kõnealune pull oli normaalsest väiksem ja tal oli lühem kael.

Valgeid põtru on Soomes ka varem kütitud ja nende laskmine on lubatud. Mõnel pool välismaal arvatakse, et valge põdra tapmine toob halba õnne. Valge põdra tulistamine on õigustatud ka loomateadlaste arvates. Kokku elab Soome metsades hinnanguliselt 86 500 põtra.


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The White King has fallen . Yesterday The white bull was shot by member of our moose hunting group. This bull lived here about 6 years. About 3-4 this bull’s offsprings have seen at this area. It was seen many times near high way 3 and also in newspapers. . After 30 minutes at Sunday’s first hunting ground we got information that dog found moose, but we did know what it is. Dog was barking this moose and I was first who saw this bull just before shoot. But for me it was too far away to make good shot. It was about 150m from me running in forest. I cave information to our group that it is The white bull. After that next shooter got clear view and made good shot then we got information that bull is down. All happened under 5 minutes. It sure was amazing experience to see this bull running in the dark forest! . This white color is not normal and that was reason why white moose are shot in Finland. White moose don’t have good genes. This bull was not normal size it was smaller than normal bulls on same age. It’s neck was also shorter than normal bull neck. . . #moosehunting #hirvijahti #hunting #metsästys #älgjakt #jakt #elgjakt #caccia #chasse #oxota #caza #huntingphoto #naturephotography #nature #luontokuva #finland #luonto #finlandhunting #huntingphotographer #outdoors #wildlife #yleluonto #nationalgeographic

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