Soomlannast supermodell sünnitas püsti seistes duši all

Soomlannast supermodell Suvi Riggs (endine Koponen) sünnitas oma teise tütre duši all püsti seistes.

Suvi modellist abikaasa Tyler pani Instagrami üles pildi sünnitusest.

Tyler ja Suvi elavad koos alates 2009. aastast ja nad abiellusid 2012. aastal.

Laps sündis naistepäeval, 8. märtsil.

Sünnituse ajal seises mees Suvi selja taga ja aitas teda toetada.

Suvi Riggs elab USA-s. Ta sai Soomes tuntuks, kui võitis 2005. aastal MTV3 modellikooli-saate. Suvi Riggs on aastaid olnud üks maailma juhtivatest supermodellidest.

This is my belated International Women’s Day post… that’s my wife there, just having delivered our second daughter in our shower while standing up, yeah she’s pretty badass. There really isn’t a string of words I could put together to describe how exactly she pulled off what she pulled off last night. “Powerful” is a start, but even that doesn’t remotely begin to describe her grace, presence, or her unwavering grittiness. Still blown away, my man brain does not compute. You can’t really see me in this photo, I’m standing behind her, doing my best to gently support her as she stands in her own power, and that’s all I can do. ❤ u @suviriggs

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