Ukraina lõunaosas Odessas tapeti päise päeva ajal mees, keda seostatakse vägivalla ja süütamisega.
Videos on näha, kuidas inimesed jalutavad ükskõikselt tänaval mööda, kui Demjan Ganuli nimeline mees tapeti. Ta sai esialgu haavata, pärast tehti kontroll-lask kuklasse.
Ganul töötas sõjaväelise värbajana ja peksis väidetavalt noori mehi. Tema tapmises kahtlustatakse ühe Ganuli poolt rindele saadetud ja seal hukkunud noormehe isa. See isa on Ukraina armee ohvitser.
Siin on video. NB! Häirivad kaadrid, närganärvilistele mittesoovitav
Full video of the killing of #Ukrainian neo-Nazi Ganul has surfaced brutal execution in the heart of #Odessa
Ganul, known for hunting down and beating Ukrainians on camera before handing them over for mobilization, was also a key figure in the deadly 2014 Trade Union House arson…— Uncensored News (@Uncensorednewsw) March 24, 2025
I have heard that Ganul involved in forced recruitment (A notorious Nazi thug) His men were refused entry into a gym. Ganul was called in & beat up the owner (pic). Who was then forced to the front & killed. The father of the victim, already a soldier executed Ganul as a result.
— Land of Distraction (@fitzjames_wood) March 24, 2025