Saksamaal Magdeburgis sõitis tänase reede, 20. detsembri õhtul jõuluturul rahva sekka sõiduauto BMW. Asjast teatas Saksa meedia.
Esialgsetel andmetel hukkus 11 inimest, lisaks on vigastatuid 80 ringis.
Pealtnägijate sõnul jooksid inimesed paanikas laiali. Sündmuskohal salvestatud piltidel on näha arvukalt kiirabi- ja muid päästeautosid. Politsei pidas autojuhi kinni.
Algul arvati, et juht oli süürlane, hiljem selgus, et ta oli Saudi Araabiast.
Politsei on turu klientidest tühjendanud.
Võimud pole seni juhtunut kommenteerinud. On ebaselge, kas tegu on terrorirünnaku või õnnetusega.
Magdeburgi jõuluturg asub Alter Marktil, Magdeburgi raekoja kõrval Elbe jõe lähedal.
Siin on video asja kohta:
This is the world we now live in!
I don’t want it! I am fed up with this terrorism shit! We can’t continue to live our lives in fear because of a bunch of cowards who can’t tolerate another religion! 💔#Magdeburg— Lilly inLondon (@Lillyin_London) December 20, 2024
Für Ereignisse wie in #Magdeburg gilt:
1. Mitgefühl für alle Verletzten zeigen.
2. Keine falschen Informationen verbreiten.
3. Polizei und Rettungskräfte ihre Arbeit
machen lassen.4. Nichts irgendwie instrumentalisieren.
— Jennifer 💚🇮🇱🇺🇦 (@DieGrueneFrau) December 20, 2024
🚨BREAKING: A car has been driven into a crowd at a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany.
As many as 80 people have been reported injured & 1 person dead
Just this morning UK police urged the British public to report potential terrorist threats at Christmas markets & pantos.
— Emily Wilding Davison🏴🇬🇧 (@Wommando) December 20, 2024
🇩🇪 Tragedy in Magdeburg: A car plowed into a crowd at a Christmas market, leaving multiple casualties.
Reports suggest the driver may be of Syrian origin (under verification). #Germany #Magdeburg #Tragedy #BreakingNews #ChristmasMarket
— x2014 (@x201422) December 20, 2024
A BMW drives through a barrier at a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany… There are causalities, 60+ injured and at least one dead!
Absolute nightmare! So much pain in our world. I don’t even know what to say anymore. What is wrong with humanity? Our species is sick!
— General Strike 🍀(Terrence Daniels) (@Terrence_STR) December 20, 2024
❗️🇩🇪 – In Magdeburg, Germany, a car deliberately drove into a crowd at a Christmas market, killing at least eleven people and injuring around 60, with some in critical condition, according to the Magdeburger Volksstimme. Emergency services, including rescue teams and…
— 🔥🗞The Informant (@theinformant_x) December 20, 2024