Saksamaal Magdeburgis sõitis eilse reede, 20. detsembri õhtul musta värvi BMW kesklinna jõuluturul rahvamassi.
Vähemalt 34 inimest said surma, nende seas 4 last. Vigastatute arv on 80 ringis.
Autojuht oli 50-aastane Saudi Araabiast pärit arst.
🇩🇪 Latest reports from Germany allege 34 dead, including 4 children, as a result of the terrorist attack on a Christmas market in Magdeburg.
Man arrested is a 50 year-old native of Saudi Arabia. Second video is the scum being arrested.
Unconfirmed reports of a second attack…
— Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT) December 20, 2024