Venemaa pealinnas Moskvas maeti täna president Vladimir Putini suurim kriitik Aleksei Navalnõi.
Marino kiriku juures olid kohal tuhanded poolehoidjad, aga neid kahjuks kirikusse sisse ei lastud. Lähedastest oli teda ära saatmas tema ema Ljudmila.
Navalnõi põrm sängitati Borissovo surnuaiale, sinna sisse ja selle ümber samas rahvast lasti. Sündmust valvasid sajad politseinikud.
Nagu ütles üks inimene rahva hulgast Navalnõi ja Putini kohta: „Üks ohverdas ennast, et päästa riik, teine ohverdas riigi, et päästa ennast.”

Siin on video:
The thousands of Russians attending Navalny’s funeral in Moscow today are chanting the most forbidden words in Russia:
“No to the war”
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) March 1, 2024
In south #Moscow, #Russia, people attending the funeral procession of opposition politician Alexey @Navalny are again chanting “No to the war!”:
— Alex Kokcharov (@AlexKokcharov) March 1, 2024
Alexei Navalny was buried. Thousands of people who came were not allowed to say goodbye to him.
Reportedly, Frank Sinatra’s song My Way played at the cemetery.
On the video, people chant “Let us through to say goodbye!”
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) March 1, 2024
💔 Alexei Navalny’s mother says farewell to her son in the church
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) March 1, 2024
People saying goodbye to Alexey Navalny at his grave at the Borisovsky cemetery in Moscow.
Police officers present at the site are screaming at people, urging them to move quicker.
📹: Novaya Europe
— Novaya Gazeta Europe (@novayagazeta_en) March 1, 2024
⚡️ The queue at Navalny’s funeral stretched for several kilometers
People are chanting ‘Navalny!’, ‘Alexei!’, and ‘We won’t forgive you for his death!’
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) March 1, 2024