Islandil Grindaviki linnas läheb olukord järjest pinevamaks. Oodatakse suurt vulkaanipurset. Enne seda on palju maavärinaid ning teed ja majad pragunevad.
Lisaks kadus täna kolmapäeval, 15. novembril pooles linnas elekter. Elanikud on piirkonnast evakueeritud.
Lõhe on tekkinud Islandil kahe tektoonilise plaadi vahele: üks on Euroopa ja teine Põhja-Ameerika. Lõhest võib hakata maa sisemusest keevat kivi ehk laavat purskama.
Siin on videod asja kohta:
This is Grindavík today.
It remains evacuated. Roads are damaged. Residents have been allowed quickly to collect possessions in a controlled police operation. We were able to access briefly escorted by police. Steam is rising from damaged water pipes. #Iceland #grindavík— Laura Goehler (@LauraGoehler) November 15, 2023
‘It is like the ground has been unzipped’
A report from Grindavik, Iceland as the country is placed on high alert for a volcanic eruption, with a state of emergency declared and almost 4,000 residents evacuated.
— Ajeet De Soyza (@ajeetsrilanka) November 15, 2023
Houses in Grindavík, Iceland, are starting to show the damage caused by the hundreds of earthquakes rocking the nation.
The likelihood of volcanic eruption remains high.
— Steve Hanke (@steve_hanke) November 15, 2023
A few minutes ago the lights went out in parts of #Grindavik. Reason not yet known.
If you want to check yourself if/when when lights come back:— FragenüberFragen (@FragenuberF) November 15, 2023