Ööl vastu tänast reedet, 20. oktoobrit pommitati Palestiinas Gazas sealset Kreeka õigeusu kirikut, kuhu inimesed olid sõja eest varjunud.
Kirikus oli saanud surma 18 inimest, neist 8 lapsed.
Rünnakus süüdistatakse Iisraeli.
Siin on video asja kohta:
Palestinians hold a procession for the 18 people, including 8 children, murdered by Israel in the bombing of the Saint Porphyrius Church in Gaza.
Video by @Hind_Gaza pic.twitter.com/ili7bIbTbr
— Dan Cohen (@dancohen3000) October 20, 2023
The damage resulted to the world’s third oldest church, which was targeted by lsraeli warplanes last night, killing 18 Palestinians, Gaza. pic.twitter.com/VbvYpPCr5f
— TIMES OF GAZA (@Timesofgaza) October 20, 2023