Euroopa Liit on ebaõnnestunud ja nõrgemad rahvad kaovad, märgib Ungari peaminister Viktor Orbán.
Orbán ütles, et Euroopa Liit loodi kahel põhjusel. Esiteks selleks, et säilitada rahu. Aga praegu käib sõda. Teine põhjus oli majanduslik õitseng. Praegu aga on majandus üha kehvemas seisus. Euroopa Liidus pole ei rahu ega õitsengut.
Orbáni sõnul jäävad sellises olukorras ellu ainult tugevad rahvad, nõrgad kaovad.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban: “The EU was created for two reasons. Firstly, for the sake of peace, and now there is a war. Secondly, for the sake of prosperity, and the economy is causing more and more anxiety. Now there is neither peace nor prosperity in the EU.”
— John Moran (@RueDaungier) June 30, 2023
It seems that Orban recently read a book about the struggle of one Austrian painter and shared his impressions of what he had read.
The Hungarian Prime Minister said that the time is coming when “weak nations will disappear, but strong ones will remain.”
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) July 1, 2023