Maailma terviseorganisatsioon WHO hoiatab, et lähinädalatel nakatuvad koroonaga enam kui pooled Euroopa elanikud.
WHO Euroopa juht Hans Kluge ütles, et järgmise 6-8 nädala jooksul nakatuvad üle 50 protsendi elanikest. WHO andmetel levib koroona Omikroni variant eriti kergesti.
Kluge hinnangul toob suur nakatumine kaasa haiglapatsientide arvu kiire kasvu.
At this rate, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) @IHME_UW forecasts that more than 50% of the population in the Region will be infected with Omicron in the next 6-8 weeks @hans_kluge
— WHO/Europe (@WHO_Europe) January 11, 2022
🎥🔴 Watch LIVE as @hans_kluge and experts from WHO/Europe provide a situation update on #COVID19 in the European Region before answering questions from journalists
— WHO/Europe (@WHO_Europe) January 11, 2022