Soome lauljanna ja kolme lapse ema poseeris paljalt Portugali Playboy’le

Portugalis on hinnatud soome blondid ja siniste silmadega naised. Soome lauljanna ja kolme lapse ema Johanna Kuvaja poseeris Porugali Playboy’le.

Johanna ütles, et ei olnud kursis, milline ajakiri Playboy praegu on. Ta arvas, et seal tuleb jalad harki ajada ja muud seesugust. Tegelikkuses aga ei pea seal paljastama eriti midagi. Aga lauljanna siiski paljastas, sponsori soovil, vahendab Ilta-Sanomat.

Lauljanna räägib, et tema lähedased soovitasid samuti võimalusest kinni haarata. Lauljanna esineb ajakirjas palja ülakehaga. Ühes Playboy-looga tuleb välja ka remix loost Shower. Selle autor on soomlasest produtsent Janne Hyöty, kes on teinud palju lugusid Aasia turule.

Shower on populaarne paljudes riikides, näiteks Hollandis. Lauljanna loodab, et Portugali Playboy abil saab rahvusvahelist tuntust veelgi suurendada. Kahju sellest ei sünni, kuna lauljanna bränd on tema seksikus.


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Shower Janne Hyöty- remix is out now. Link in the bio.🔝🎶🚿 Photo: @petteri_kaakinen_photography A year ago I released my first single “Shower”. Needless to say that it was a life changing moment for me. All of a sudden I became a pop star and I was called “Finland’s Sabrina” by the Finnish media. ”Shower” was compared to her hit song “Boys” and I’ll be always known for this song in Finland 🇫🇮 🚿💃🎶 I’m proud to release a club remix of Shower mixed by an award winning Finnish producer Janne Hyöty. Janne has reached huge success in the Asian market having over 40 no 1 hit songs in Japan. I’m honored that he offered to do a remix and I hope you’re going to love it as much as I do.🥰 ”Shower” represents so many things for me: new beginnings, empowerment, believing in yourself &loving yourself, body positivity, trusting the universe.. ✨ Seize the opportunity, don’t be afraid of change. You have all the power to create a new ending to your story. Just be brave enough to do it -even if there’s a chance to fail and end up making a total fool out of yourself ✨😉🙈 So what if you do, embarrass yourself once and you’re free forever 😝💃🚿 Thank you to everyone who takes the time to listen to my song 🎶🙏💖 And thank you for following my journey. There will be lots of new twists coming up soon.. 😉 At least my life is anything but boring 😅😇 And that’s the way I like it 😉👍🏻

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