Kole pilt: pulseerivad peeniskalad vallutasid Kalifornia ujumisranna

USA-s Kalifornias on suur häda, kuna koleda välimusega ja küllalt suured nn peeniskalad vallutasid terve ujumisranna.

Randa oli ujunud tuhandeid peenist meenutavaid elukaid. Kalade keskmine pikkus on ligi 20 sentimeetrit ja nad on roosakat värvi. Mõned kalad võivad kasvada ka poole meetri pikkuseks ja elada 25 aasta vanuseks, vahendab BBC.

Kuigi neid kutsutakse kaladeks, on need tegelikkuses ussid nimetusega Urechis caupo. Nad kaevuvad enamasti sügavale rannaliiva sisse, aga kui meri tormiga liiva ära uhub, siis tulevad nad välja. Nii ka selles Drake Beachi rannas juhtus. Rand asub ligi 80 km San Franciscost põhja pool.

Peeniskala sugulast Urechis unicinctus‘t peetakse Lõuna-Koreas delikatessiks.


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SHOOK 😳 Thousands of these marine worms—called fat innkeeper worms, or “penis fish”—were found on Drake’s Beach last week! These phallic organisms are quite common along the West coast of North America, but they spend their whole lives in U-shaped burrows under the sand, so few beachgoers are aware of their existence. ⛈🌊 A recent storm in Northern California brought strong waves that washed away several feet of sand from the intertidal zone, leaving all these fat innkeeper worms exposed on the surface. 🏖 Next time you go to the beach, just think about the hundreds of 10-inch, pink sausages wiggling around just a few feet under the sand. 🙃 . . Get the full story in our new #AsktheNaturalist with @california_natural_history via link in bio! (📸: Beach photo courtesy David Ford; Worm photo by Kate Montana via iNaturalist)

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