Naistele mõeldud uus asi tekitab elevust sotsiaalmeedias

Sotsiaalmeedias tekitab elevust naistele mõeldud uus vidin, mis pannakse ööseks rindade vahele.

Naistele on juba loodud mitmeid vananemisvastaseid vahendeid nagu erinevad näohooldused. Isegi vale magamisasend tekitab kortsusid.

Paljud naised peavad vananemisvastaseid soovitusi juba ahistavateks. Sellele vaatamata tuli firma Sleep & Glow välja täiesti uue asjaga. Tegemist on öörinnahoidjaga, mille eesmärk on vältida rindade vahele kortsude tekkimist.

Firma Sleep & Glow andmetel tekivad rindade vahele kortsud siis, kui naine magab ühe külje peal. Ligi 60 eurot maksev rinnahoidja hoiab selliste kortsude tekkimise ära, vahendab Yahoo.

Uuest asjast pole vaimustuses sugugi kõik naised. Näiteks moeajakirjanik Olivia Messer seadis selle toote vajaduse küsimärgi alla. Naised on segaduses ja märgivad, et ei saa enam millestki aru.

Firma Sleep & Glow on sellisest tähelepanust liigutatud ja lisab, et toode on mõeldud neile, kes muretsevad oma dekoltee pärast. Neile, kel probleeme pole, pole seda ka vaja kasutada.


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How to fight neck and chest wrinkles⠀ The neckline is an essential part of the feminine figure. If you want to keep this area looking elegant and alluring, then this post is for you 😋⠀ Wrinkles on your neck and chest appear during sleep. During the day, your bra supports your chest, reducing the effect of gravity. But at night, many like to take a break from their bra. They forget that their breasts still need support, albeit from a different angle 😉⠀ ⠀ You can prevent and reduce wrinkles on your delicate decoulétage with the Sleep&Glow pillow bra🌸⠀ ⠀ Just put the pillow-bra on and go to bed. It provides breast support, preventing the formation of creases and sleep wrinkles.⠀ ⠀ When you’re young, neck wrinkles may seem unthinkable 🙄 But over time, the skin loses its elasticity (factors such as direct sunlight on the beach and tanning beds only make it worse). The wrinkles start becoming more pronounced and stop smoothing back out.⠀ ⠀ The Sleep&Glow pillow bra works for both prevention and cure. It’s made from high-quality materials and has a sophisticated design, so it’s comfortable to sleep in 😴⠀ ⠀ Some other pluses:⠀ 🔹the outside is made from 100% natural silk and french lace;⠀ 🔹the inside is lined with cotton;⠀ 🔹The filling is of tiny foam balls to ensure air circulation.⠀ 🔹machine wash delicate or hand wash no hotter than 30 °C⠀ #beauty #skincare #product #pillow

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