Tallinnas elav soome fitness-modell õpetab, kuidas pepu trimmi saada

Tallinnas elav 19-aastane soome fitness-modell Erna Husko õpetab Instagramis, kuidas pepu trimmi saada.

Ta kirjutab inglise keeles, kuidas oli endine tippsportlane ja kurnas end suure treenimisega väga ära. Ta tunnistab, et oli aeg, mil kaalus vaid 45 kg. Ta hakkas käima rohkem jõusaalis, sööb viis korda päevas ja joob ohtralt vett. Tema sõnukl vajab keha treeningute vahepeal ka puhkust ning ta lubab endale isegi süsivesikuid.

Erna treeninguid jälgib nüüd Instagramis üle 20 tuhande inimese. Naine osaleb ühtlasi konkursil Fitnessmodell 2017.

Strength will always be in fashion. This is the truth what’ve been working on and where my fitness career started. 🌟 To tell you the truth I did felt weakness when my weight was only under 45kg. One year went by and It was time to make the CHANGE IN MY LIFE. I started going to gym more often and the jogging on streets changed into weights in my hands. Right now I’ve been going to gym couple of years and still I’m super excited every time when I’ve finished my workout. I’ve found myself newly again and no one can take that away! Everything will take it’s time BUT I PROMISE ITS WORTH IT! . . NYT sinulla on mahdollisuus tilata uusi 🔥BUILD THE BOOTY🔥- treeniohjelma ruokavalioineen! Saat myös -20% alennusta koodilla: ERNABOOTY (voimassa vain tiistaihin asti) . BUILD THE BOOTYYN sisältyy: -Monipuolinen ruokavalio -Kokonaisvaltainen 6 vko:n treeniohjelma -Jokaisesta liikkeestä erillinen video -Varmoja tuloksia -Huippuhyvät treeniohjeet! . Linkki profiilissa! 😘#bootywithErna #bootytransformation

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My 2 year #transformation . I wanted to share this one to show you where it all really started. The first time when I went to gym, it was the scariest but the most excited moment in my life. It happened couple months later from the left side pic. It was taken in 2015 summer and on the right side just several weeks ago. This is the perfect example of NOT BEING OBSESSED WITH YOUR WEIGHT. Cause at the end numbers will be just numbers…👀😅👋🏼! What should matter is your health and the powerful, postive energy you’ll have! 😍 Women, Lifting weights doesn’t make you look like a man, you just get stronger and gaining muscles from right spots what your are working on. 😉💪🏽 . Suomalaisille mulla on tulossa pian jo alku syksystä ihan ensimmäinen ruokavaliolla varustettu pakara ohjelma, johon on koottu just NE LIIKKEET, mitkä on MUA ENITEN EDISTÄNY. Tulee olemaan huikea mahdollisuus liittyä mun valmennukseen! @fitnet.fi 💦🍑🇫🇮😍 . #treeniohjelma #fitnessmalli #motivation #treeni #tbt #bootyday #bootygains #finnishgirl #suomi #pakaratreeni #tallinna #turku #summer17

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Your mind does things to my body that your hands never could. Every new step is the new beginning and I do believe that every road leads us at the end to the right destination.. It’s all about the timing.⏳🗝 . . #fitnessmalli #fitnessmotivation #quoteoftheday #motivationiskey #passion #bootyday #hyvinvointi #urheilu #fitnessinspiration #scandinaviangirl #urheilu

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Made this HIIT glute workout yesterday evening and it was BRUTAL! 👌🏽 All you need is a rubber band & some stairs.. and of course an energetic mind! 🌟 All these exercises are performed in a circuit without any rest between. Do these in a row and rest 2-3 min. 🔥 Doing this set at leats 3 times and I promise you sore legs for tomorrow’s brekkie. 😅💪🏽 It all depends how effectively you want to work out! 😏 Have a lovely week and let’s kick it well! ❤️ . . . #motivation #treenivideo #fitnessmalli #bootyworkout #hyväolo #treenihaaste #fitnessgirl #hyvinvointi #inspiration #fitnessmotivation #urheilu #tallinn #bloggaaja #ulkotreeni #helsinki #fitnessmalli2017 #fitnessgirl #scandinaviangirl

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